caviling along
Sat, 28 Oct 1995 00:05:56 -0400

I forgot one thing tonight in my response to Jim Bell

Jim wrote:
>> "Saga has a historical significance but a theological
focus" (Bloesch). If all you do is cavil about details, you miss it. Anyway,
there is a whole lot written on this.<<

I used to be a geophysical conultant, with my own company. People used to
buy oil prospects from me and then drill wells costing several million
dollars. If I were to try to sell you an oil prospect and you saw a lot of
tiny details which were wrong in my work, would you feel better if I said,
"If all you want to do is cavil about the details of my prospect, then you
will miss it."?

In the past, my bosses have invested up to $60 million dollars on my word
that an oil prospect was correct. This is a tremendous responsibility to
get every detail as correct as it can be. Would you want to spend that type
of money if the scientific details were not "caviled" over?

What we are asking the world concerning the Bible, and the Savior it reveals,
is far, far more precious than a mere $60 million dollars. We are asking
people to give their very souls to our God. Why should we not "cavil" over
the details?
