DE/TE, mindful intention
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:05:11 -0500 (EST)

SJ> (ii) Loren Haarsma, with Brian Harper agreeing, (I hope I have the name
> order right.) asserts:
> "The difference between 'deistic' and 'theistic' evolution, as I have
> defined them, is almost entirely one of theological perspective rather
> than scientific interpretation. I think that the definition of 'deistic
> evolution' may be within the bounds of orthodox understandings of God's
> governance of nature -- albeit barely within the bounds -- so long as you
> add God's guidance and intervention once humanity arises."

BH> Actually, I'm a little uncomfortable with the "barely within bounds"
> part. I should have mentioned this previously, but didn't want to
> get too outrageous ;-).

Sorry about that, Brian. :-) Normally, I try to be inclusive about
different versions of TE. In this case, I was working so
hard to explain how some versions of TE include subtle guidance of natural
processes, that I sort of pushed other versions towards "deism."

I agree with you that the main point, from a theological perspective, is
God's _mindful_intention,_ not the mechanisms of how he achieved it.

Loren Haarsma