Re: Another Flood Problem
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 22:55:46 -0400

Jim wrote:

>>Glenn has proposed a 5.5 million year ago Flood, right?

He has admitted no human beings were around (the infamous 3.5 million year
gap), right?<<

Only in your dreams. :-) I have made absolutely no such admission. I
believe, as most paleontologists believe, that small populations can go
unnoticed for a long, long time, leaving no fossils in the column. I believe
that after the flood, there were very few humans (defined as creatures made
in the image of God). The small population combined with the place I believe
they inhabited (tropical forests), means that there is little chance of
fossilization. Several animals have been found in the fossil record as much
as 30 million (tarsiers) before the next fossil Tarsier. Prior to the
discovery of the 30 million year gap, there was absolutlely NO evidence that
Tarsiers lived on earth. I have a documented case of a 30 million year gap
in the fossil record of Tarsiers. All I am asking is a 3.5 million year gap
in the fossil record of mankind.

Jim wrote:

>>(I haven't read Glenn's book, so forgive me if I've missed this point).<<

Well, if you want to really have fun, you should read the book. Unless you
are afraid of the data in it. Then I wouldn't advise it. But as I mentioned
earlier, for any reflectorite, I will pay postage. You are a reflectorite so
$15 sent to my address will speed a book on its way to you. My address is

G.R. Morton
16075 Longvista Dr.
Dallas, Texas, 75248

In that book you will find the answers to your questions.

Jim wrote:
>>The Bible tells us there was a thriving culture at the time of the Flood.
And shortly thereafter, more thriving culture.

But there weren't any people around 5.5 million years ago! No language, no
tools (try making an Ark without tools!) <<

Sometimes I don't think you read what I write. I have pointed out numerous
times that if you and 7 of your closest friends were left stranded alone in
the world after a catastrophe like the flood, how much of modern technology
do you think you could re-create. Noah and family faced the same problem.
As an example, answer these questions and I will tell you if you are right.
I will trust that you don't look in books.

1 How do you make iron?

2. What does Iron ore look like?

3. What does copper ore look like?

4. How do you make a stone tool? Do you know what flint looks like and where
it is found?

5. How do you make a bow and arrow?

6. how many years must the wood be cured?

7. How do you make glue to attach the feathers?

8. Do you need feathers?

9. What kind of clay is necessary for pottery work?

10. How do you make a spindle? a loom?

11. What is the only naturally reproducing grain crop? What does the plant
look like? Where do you find it?

12. How do you build a plow?

13. How do you build a fire?

14. Do you know how to tan a hide?

I am under no illustions. You won't answer any of these questions which in my
mind, means you aren't taking any of our discussions seriously. But I wish
you would consider this seriously though. Noah and his family would be very
unlikely to be able to rapidly restore the pre-flood world economic standard.

Jim wrote:
>>Yet, just BEFORE the Flood, "men began to increase in number on the
earth..." (Gen. 6:1).<<

I have no problem with that. Our civilization is separated from theirs by a
huge dark age. Darker than the Medieval dark ages.
