
Jim Bell (70672.1241@compuserve.com)
03 Oct 95 12:06:24 EDT


The latest dispute with Glenn has had some unfortunate results. For this, I
want to apologize. And I want to thank all those who have taken the time to
respond publicly and privately.

In looking back, I said some things that were too close to the line. I did not
intend the label "unorthodox" to paint Glenn as a heretic, but that was the
effect. It's a loaded term, and I won't use it again.

Also, when I said Glenn was "in the ballpark" with the LDS church, that was
too harsh. Perhaps, again, this is just too loaded a comparison. Even though I
think there are similar problems with the view of God's special revelation
outside his covenant people, I should not have left the impression I did.

So Glenn, and group, I apologize.

I also appreciate Glenn's apology and take his comments to heart. Glenn and I
share a zeal for truth. That something I very much respect in Glenn. But that
zeal sometimes pushes us to say things that we may regret. I will join him in
trying to keep things above the high water mark.
