<< PC's accept the
radiometric age of the universe at 4.6 BY. On the basis of the
Biblical evidence, PC's do believe man is comparatively recent, but
they are willing to adjust their Biblical views with the scientific
And thus far, there is little adjustment needed. Modern man is recent and
sudden. And this fact leads to...
Stephen quotes from Erickson:
<< On this
basis, one can correlate the beginning of man in the full biblical
sense with the evidence of a great cultural outburst about 30,000 to
40,000 years ago. >>
This struck me: isn't this phenomenon precisely like the Cambrian explosion
vis-a-vis life forms?
Think about it: a similar design feature of God--modest physical precursors,
then a sudden "explosion" that is, in essence, a quantum leap forward that
CANNOT be claimed to have evolutionary antecedents.
It is in line with ReMine's biotic message. It looks exactly like the
handiwork of one designer in two different places.
Add to that the stunning similarity of our cosmological beginnings. Explosion.
That's THREE different places!
Is this a stunningly original thought by me? If so, I claim first dibs!
If not, please bring me back to earth.