>question of why the Bible tells us so much about the flood is answered. A
>flood in 2350 B. C. would surely be documented in the literature of many
>nations. Records of a flood 5.5 million years ago might be lost had God
>not told Moses about it.
Does anyone know whether there exists any palentological evidence that any
Homo sp. existing 5.5 million years ago had the tools and capability of
building a boat? If not, how does this affect Glenn's thesis?
Steven S. Clark, Ph.D. Phone: (608) 263-9137
Associate Professor FAX: (608) 263-4226
Dept. of Human Oncology and email:
UW Comprehensive Cancer Ctr
University of Wisconsin "To disdain philosophy is really to
Madison, WI 53792 be a philosopher." Blaise Pascal