Re: Clarification of my Progressive Creationist position

Lloyd Eby (
Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:54:13 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 28 Jun 1995, Stephen Jones wrote:


> Evolution is not only a claim that
> something changed, but it is also a claim that it happened by a purely
> naturalistic, mutation + natural selection process.

Is this claim really true? I understand that Darwin (Charles) and
neo-Darwinist fundamentalists such as Dawkins hold to that claim, but it
seems to me (a non-biologist) that many if not most evolutionists today
claim that evolution = "change in allele frequencies." If that is indeed
the current definition of evolution, then there is nothing in it that
requires Naturalism (in the sense of capital N Naturalism discussed here
several months ago).

Lloyd Eby