Ediacaran correction

Mon, 26 Jun 1995 22:31:59 -0400

I have just been informed that I made a grevious error. The ediacaran forms
have been known since the 1950's. Thanks Andrew for pointing it out to me.

Glaessner, M.F., 1959. Precambrian Coelenterata from Australia,
Africa, and England. Nature, v.183, p.1472-1473.

Glaessner, M.F., 1966. Precambrian paleontology. Earth Science
Reviews, v.1, p.29-50.

Denton does mention the ediacaran forms on page 161-162 but then on page 163
states, "Again, just as in the case of the absence of pre-Cambrian fossils,
no forms have ever been found in the pre-Cretaceous rocks linking the
angiosperms with any other group of plants." p. 163. The first phrase of
this statement is erroneous.
