Re: Sanguine?

Bill Hamilton (
Thu, 8 Jun 1995 09:51:22 -0500

Glenn writes

>If I sounded sanguine about that let me correct it. It scares the bejebbers
>outta me. But the fact that models matched the 880 very well shows that
>modeling can be accurate. I was using airframe examples to show that models
>can be accurate in the face of charges that no modeling is accurate. I fully
>concur that every model must be evaluated against reality and the range of
>conditions modeled.Just because a model can be accurate does not assure a
>given model IS accurate.
Good. My main concern was that some nontechnically-oriented members might
interpret you as being overoptimistic about the capabilities of modeling
and simulation.

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX)