Re: God is not a cat in Schroedinger's box!

From: <>
Date: Mon Oct 18 2004 - 11:52:13 EDT

>>PS: I will be off line for the next week. When I get back I will make a
decision about whether or not to stay on this list. It's clear that
questioning the basics is not generally welcomed.>>

PLEASE stay around! I have learned much from you, even though we don't
always agree.

I have always told my students that "questioning the basics" is MANDATORY
for thinking Christians. Doubt is not a sin. But I suspect unquestioning
adherence may well be in some cases.


PS Thanks to several for off-line congratulatory messages on my wife's
upcoming ordination (Dec 5, not Dec 4) and her new position as a minister
of Word & Sacrament in Rico, Colorado. Yes, the PCUSA does not select
ministers based on the shape of their skin! Nor do the Lutherans (ELCA),
the Friends, and many other Christian denominations.

My son, a minister in the Southern Baptist Church, is a little shaky on
this, but he is much supportive. Carol's dad, a wonderful Presbyterian
Christian, who was instrumental in my own conversion 40+ years ago, went
to his Maker still fighting against female ordination in the
denomination. By now, I am confident he has changed his mind, and is on a
heavenly cheering squad.

       (church web site)

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Received on Mon Oct 18 12:08:35 2004

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