RE: Duane Gish in Peru

From: Paul Reese <>
Date: Sat Oct 16 2004 - 14:22:26 EDT

I have been reading a book entitled The Design Revolution, by William
Dembski, and he has a very firm scientific argument that the origins of
species could only be the result of an intelligent designer. William
Dembski is a brilliant mathematician and philosopher and dissects the
subject of the origins with impeccable logic. A must read!
Dr. Paul F. Reese, Jr.
Assoc. Professor of Biology, Belhaven College
101 Twin Oaks Dr.
Brandon, MS 39047
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Oscar Gonzalez
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 11:40 PM
Subject: Duane Gish in Peru
Hi ASAers
I have been following your discussions with great interest for three
Today I met the famous creationist speaker Duane Gish. I know him by his
publication "Creacion, evolucion y el registro fosil" since pregraduate.
When I became a christian, this was the first book that I bought on the
topic "Science and christianity" (Up to now, there is nothing written
here in spanish in this topic that is not creationist).
He gave two speeches, one in the auditorium of the Faculty of Chemistry
of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos where I studied for my
M.S. in Zoology and the other in the Christian and Missionary Alliance,
my church.
Here are some ideas that I recorded from him in both places:
(1) There is no evidence of any kind of transicional forms. There is not
any fossil that shows the transcicion of invertebrate to vertebrate. The
first bat for example, had its sonar system complete.
(2) When he was asked on the Archaeopterix, he replied that it was a
true bird. It had wings with normal feathers, perching feet and good
flight. The teeth and claws don't give any evidence of antiquity. Quoted
Feduccia telling that he believes that Archaeopterix was like a modern
bird. A feather is very different from a reptilian scale. The claim of
an issue of National Geographic magazine that the missing link between
birds and dinosaurs was discovered in China was later confirmed to be a
faked specimen.
(3) Due to the fall of man, animals began to kill each others and
changed from vegetarian to meat eaters.
Here I made him the question "How the meat eaters were designed after
the fall?" He explained again the consequences of the fall and said that
God could have created animals with sharp teeth to be vegetarian and
then changed to meat eaters.
(4) Dinosaurs are extint because they failed to repopulate the earth
after the flood. The new weather has less water vapor that pre-flood
(5) He recognized that no human bones were found in the same place as
dinosaur bones, but quotes that footprints of humans and dinosaurs have
been found together
(6) The radiometric methods to date the earth are based in assumptions
and can not give us any evidence for dating any rock.
(7) Genetics give us by exploring mithocondrial DNA to a 6000 year of
the first human. The 200000 years data is an assumption of
(8) Evolution violates everything about physical and chemical laws.
(9) Evolutionist dominates all the educational system in USA, for
creation scientists is almost impossible to publish in technical
journals. Creation is as religious as evolution, so both should be
taught in public schools.
After the last talk, my wife insisted to get closer and greet him, and
discuss with him. (She knows that I believe in evolution and wanted to
confront him with my deep questions on the topic). I didn't do that.
Gish is an old man and he looked very tired at that moment. I just told
him that I am a christian biologist whose interest is in the
conservation of creation; not creationsim. And that his book was the
first one about science and christianity that I bought. Then said goodby
with a "God bless you".
I will appreciate comments or guidance to web pages for critics to
Gish's points here recorded.

Oscar Gonzalez
A Rocha Peru Team Leader
Gomez del Carpio 135
Barrio Medico, Lima 34, Peru
Tel 511-4477215 551-97485199

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