EIA oil synopsis

From: Duff,Robert Joel <rjduff@uakron.edu>
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 15:55:46 EDT

Glenn and others,

I recently was presented with the following article from the EIA
regarding their synopsis of peak oil estimates.

I guess I'm just shocked at how much the authors of this analysis think
that oil production can be increased. I can see that there is a
difference of opinion about total oil reserves and future oil finds but
even given those differences it seems that the whole argument here is
that if there is this much oil available then we should be able to
provide vast quantities of oil for at least another 30 years.


Is that all this argument is, or am I missing something more subtle in
their comments. Seems really crazy to me after all the other reading
I've been doing. Yet, I've seen this commentary referred to multiple
times as if it were a "no duh" there is plenty of oil response to any



R. Joel Duff

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology

ASEC 185, University of Akron

Akron OH 44325-3908



Received on Thu Oct 14 15:56:09 2004

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