letter to the editor

From: Alexanian, Moorad <alexanian@uncw.edu>
Date: Sat Oct 09 2004 - 18:36:51 EDT

Here is a letter I published in our local newspaper sometime ago.


Thursday, November 02, 2000

Wilmington Morning Star
Copyright 2000 Wilmington Star-News
   Christian voters

   EDITOR: What ought to be a voter's guiding principles when casting his or her vote? First and foremost, leave your partisanship aside and select candidates who share most of the principles that guide your daily life.

   If your worldview is that given by the Christian faith, then ask yourself, which candidates best share your worldview? Is the sanctity of life part of the candidate's belief system or do women have choices denied to the unborn?

   ... Is truth important to you? Are the promises made by candidates more important to you than their past actions, which determine their character and the trust that you can place on them? Which candidates speak to you in a way that respects your intelligence and does not pander to your weaknesses just to get your vote?

   Our nation is at a crucial point in history and our vote will determine whether the system set up by our Founding Fathers will succeed or else will follow the inexorable path of a waning and vanishing civilization.


Received on Sat Oct 9 18:40:42 2004

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