Fw: Petroleum, Design, Hoyle's Warning to the World

From: Innovatia <dennis@innovatia.com>
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 22:34:11 EDT

From: "Glenn Morton" <glennmorton@entouch.net>
> >From: ed babinski [mailto:ed.babinski@furman.edu]

> Sure, but unless we find a new energy source really soon, we will be back
> the middle ages type of life style.
This might be in the works at present, possibly the biggest invention since
useful electricity. It's the extraction of energy from the virtual quantum
particle flux of space-time. (See www.cheniere.org) I've mentioned this
before so I won't repeat here. What's new is that in a few weeks I should be
stopping by Huntsville on my way back to PA, to Tom Beardon's laboratory to
personally observe his MEG device. The claims are that a COP of 10 or higher
is being achieved. Even the worst instrumentation can verify that much power
gain. Since I have been doing power electronics design since 1985, I don't
think I'll be easily fooled experimentally. (I don't claim to understand the
esoteric physics behind it yet.) After that, when I get the chance, I'll
report on what I've found.

Last night I had a dream about this. If I am there in his lab and the device
really is putting out 10 times the power it takes to make it go, this would
be worth spending the rest of my life refining the engineering. Any
recommendation on what I should take into accont in examining his
experimental device from you physicists, engineers, good
discerners-in-general are welcome. I leave Belize in about 3 weeks.

> One could argue that God intended that
> slower life style for man and we have, with our hubris, over reached.

There are plenty of horse-and-buggy Mennonites a few miles from me here who
would heartily concur with this thought! But perhaps there are some seeds of
profound truth in it because as humanity is empowered more and more by
technology, godlike powers in the hands of fallen creatures is bound to lead
to our self-destruction. Maybe scientific prediction of that puts an upper
bound on the apocalypse, once again revealing another point at which science
and biblical belief interact. What better place in history for the Savior of
humanity to intervene to save humanity (generally speaking)?

> >"It has often been said that, if the human species fails to make a go of
> >it here on Earth, some other species will take over the running. In the
> >sense of developing high intelligence this is not correct. We have, or
> >soon will have, exhausted the necessary physical prerequisites so far as
> >this planet is concerned. With coal gone, oil gone, high-grade metallic
> >ores gone, no species however competent can make the long climb from
> >primitive conditions to high-level technology. This is a one-shot affair.
> >If we fail, this planetary system fails so far as intelligence is
> >concerned. The same will be true of other planetary systems. On each of
> >them there will be one chance, and one chance only. (Hoyle, 1964;
> >added)
> >For the complete article see
> >http://www.dieoff.com/page125.htm
> I agree with Hoyle, with one exception. After 40 million years, much of
> damage will healed. We have used up the best of the reachable banded iron
> formations for iron ore, but there is much ore that is too deep to mine.
> When erosion brings it to the surface, we can mine it again (or rather the
> next species could mine it again). Same with coal. Oil can regenerate
I tend to agree with Morton in that many other aspects of the reality we
know do not suggest that human history is quite this fragile. What if
Beardon's device does extract energy from the vacuum and that it can become
a common household item, leading to easy journeys to other planets, asteroid
mining, etc. Once some allowance for big new discoveries is made, human
history seems more robust (though eventually the clash of the titans, as
noted above, would be problematic for the existence of humanity).

Dennis Feucht
Received on Thu Oct 7 16:08:44 2004

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