Fw: David Limbaugh at UNCW

From: Innovatia <dennis@innovatia.com>
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 14:10:42 EDT

From: "George Murphy" <gmurphy@raex.com>

> The First Lesson in the lectionary for this coming Sunday, Jeremiah
> 29:1, 4-7, is relevant here. The Jews taken into exile in Babylon are to
> pray, not for the destruction of Babylon but for its welfare. Even if we
> feel alienated from the country we live in for various reasons we should
> pray for its welfare and do whatever we can to be God's instruments toward
> that end. The vote of each individual may count for little but the
> of each individual counts zero.

I agree that we should pray for the welfare of the country, but to do so
sometimes puts one at odds with rulers who have goals inconsistent with the
welfare of the people. I believe that the facts make clear that this is true
of the current American (and other developed-world nations') situation.

Dennis F.
Received on Wed Oct 6 16:07:25 2004

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