Re: Reply to Glenn's 9/11 post

From: Howard J. Van Till <>
Date: Fri Oct 01 2004 - 08:20:00 EDT

On 9/30/04 3:20 PM, "Glenn Morton" <> wrote:

> Maybe this is an argument from personal incredulity, but having sat next to
> some Palestinian guerillas at dinner one night, I find it difficult to see
> any logic in the above. I mean if someone can come to god by believing that
> God wants you to kill the infidels via beheadings, what kind of god are we
> dealing with?

Each of us deals, I believe, with our own _concept_ or portrait of God. Some
portraits of God are life-enriching; some are astoundingly ugly and
destructive of life and joy.

Designating some set of religious writings to be Sacred Scripture -- the
TRUTH -- does not seem to improve the picture much. Persons with ugly and
destructive portraits of God make just as strong an appeal to the sacred
texts as those with more fruitful portraits. Both the text and the
interpretation of the text are thoroughly human products.

Received on Fri Oct 1 08:54:21 2004

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