Impact of PSCF

From: Glenn Morton <>
Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 06:39:46 EDT

I was having lunch this week with two men from a major oil industry
vendor. The subject of the oil price and the Hubbert peak issues came
up. When I commented that I had published an article in 2000 on the
coming oil crisis 'in an obscure'" journal, one of the guys said, 'I saw
that article'. I was surprised because PSCF is not exactly an oil
industry rag. At first I didn't believe him but did after he described
the article. Apparently he had been doing research on the topic and
found it. Thus, the PSCF is not as 'obscure' as I had erroneously
commented and it has had input to a major oil industry vendor.
Received on Thu Aug 19 07:25:00 2004

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