>>> "Glenn Morton" <glennmorton@entouch.net> 07/31/04 3:16 PM >>> wrote:
GM:I appreciate Dennis's email.
AK: Yes, we won't know which of the alternative energy sources will give
the best results, unless we have a lot of practical evidence and data
from all the different approaches.
GM: The editor of an online energy bulletin,
notified me yesterday that he was putting my page on Ghawar troubles on
his site. It can be found at
AK: It is great article, Glenn. I have now read it about four times.
Your site was also just was mentioned on the Energy Resources List .
In a similar vein, transcripts of Matt Simmons and others at a Hudson
Institute event is online:
Saudi Arabia in Crisis
Matt Simmons, chairman and CEO of Simmons & Company International,
the keynote address "The Implications of Saudi Arabian Oil Declining".
Two panel discussions explored "How Stable Is the House of Saud?" and
Impending Energy Crisis?".
If you click on the Simmons transcript you fill find an enormous article
on the Saudi fields as well. It comes to pretty much the same conclusion
as Glenn' article does. It has a personal aspect to it and maybe is
only for the true oil junkies on this list. (It is very long) I am sure
Glenn and Don and any other petroleum engineers/geologists will find it
interesting if they have not already seen it.
Received on Sat Jul 31 19:20:16 2004
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