-- =================================== Walt Hicks <wallyshoes@mindspring.com> In any consistent theory, there must exist true but not provable statements. (Godel's Theorem) You can only find the truth with logic If you have already found the truth without it. (G.K. Chesterton) ===================================
attached mail follows:
I would suggest to you that your off- the-wall-theory is far more
likely to be a self imposed "Satanic Deception" than anything that Glenn
has ever published in his entire lifetime..
I know how hard it is for you to abandon your errors after investing so
much of your life into it --- but the Lord can help you to be strong
and to recover -- just trust Him and abandon this silly notion of using
math to support a ridiculous YEC bias. In the future, others amy be able
to understand the real reason for what you have discovered.
The Lord can forgive all sins and errors of judgement ---- such as you
have shown..
Glenn Morton wrote:
> Vernon wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vernon Jenkins [mailto:vernon.jenkins@virgin.net]
> Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:33 PM
> To: Glenn Morton
> Cc: asa@calvin.edu
> Subject: TOE or TSD: that is the question! (was Genesis 1:1
> - a standing miracle)
> Glenn,
> Thanks for these geological 'proofs' of an old earth and
> evolution. But, as a Christian, I suggest your approach to
> these matters has been lax and far too simplistic. Let me
> explain: you should have learned from the Book of Job
> (1:6-12; 2:1-7), from the events leading up to the death of
> Ahab, King of Israel (1Kings 22), and from Paul's words of
> warning (Eph. 6: 10-18) that we live our earthly lives
> against a backdrop of considerable supernatural activity. In
> the wisdom of God, the deceiver - and enemy of our souls -
> Satan, is sometimes allowed to exercise considerable power
> on earth (such as providing those _decoys_ you have listed).
> Now it should be clear to all believers of the Gospel that
> evolution sits _extremely awkwardly_ with the Scriptures,
> and there can be little doubt that all attempts to harmonise
> the two have resulted in serious distortions of the Word of
> God - something that the Apostle Peter expressly warns
> against (2Pet.3:15-16). Undoubtedly, this situation - and
> the confusion it has engendered - represent a coup for
> Satan! It also explains why this 'Theory' is different from
> _all others_ in that, when challenged, its adherents tend to
> become testy and hostile, and those unable to accept it are
> subjected to duress of one kind or another.
> Glenn, I put it to you that 'Theory of Evolution' is better
> described as the 'Theory of Satanic Deception'.
> Vernon
> www.otherbiblecode.com
> GRM: I am always amazed at how quickly people who don't want
> to even consider the evidence claim that the evidence is
> from Satan. That is a really convenient excuse, Vernon. It
> absolves you of any real thinking. Life must be really
> simple for you--everything you agree with is from God and
> everything you disagree with is from Satan. What an easy
> life.
-- =================================== Walt Hicks <wallyshoes@mindspring.com> In any consistent theory, there must exist true but not provable statements. (Godel's Theorem) You can only find the truth with logic If you have already found the truth without it. (G.K. Chesterton) ===================================Received on Fri Jul 30 00:27:54 2004
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