Vernon wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Vernon Jenkins []
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:33 PM
To: Glenn Morton
Subject: TOE or TSD: that is the question! (was Genesis 1:1 - a standing
Thanks for these geological 'proofs' of an old earth and evolution. But,
as a Christian, I suggest your approach to these matters has been lax
and far too simplistic. Let me explain: you should have learned from the
Book of Job (1:6-12; 2:1-7), from the events leading up to the death of
Ahab, King of Israel (1Kings 22), and from Paul's words of warning (Eph.
6: 10-18) that we live our earthly lives against a backdrop of
considerable supernatural activity. In the wisdom of God, the deceiver -
and enemy of our souls - Satan, is sometimes allowed to exercise
considerable power on earth (such as providing those _decoys_ you have
listed). Now it should be clear to all believers of the Gospel that
evolution sits _extremely awkwardly_ with the Scriptures, and there can
be little doubt that all attempts to harmonise the two have resulted in
serious distortions of the Word of God - something that the Apostle
Peter expressly warns against (2Pet.3:15-16). Undoubtedly, this
situation - and the confusion it has engendered - represent a coup for
Satan! It also explains why this 'Theory' is different from _all others_
in that, when challenged, its adherents tend to become testy and
hostile, and those unable to accept it are subjected to duress of one
kind or another.
Glenn, I put it to you that 'Theory of Evolution' is better described as
the 'Theory of Satanic Deception'.
GRM: I am always amazed at how quickly people who don't want to even
consider the evidence claim that the evidence is from Satan. That is a
really convenient excuse, Vernon. It absolves you of any real thinking.
Life must be really simple for you--everything you agree with is from
God and everything you disagree with is from Satan. What an easy life.
Received on Thu Jul 29 21:11:34 2004
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