I am reminded of the game 'hunt the slipper'. Would you mind telling us
where we are to find the 'effective challenge' to my claims. You surely
can't be referring to Don's contribution, posted on the 25th under the
heading 'Genesis 1:1 - a standing fluke'!?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Burgy" <jwburgeson@juno.com>
To: <vernon.jenkins@virgin.net>
Cc: <jwburgeson@juno.com>; <asa@calvin.edu>
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Genesis 1:1 - a standing miracle
> >>You have written "... an effective challenge HAS been offered..." (to
> my
> claims regarding the miraculous structure of Genesis 1:1). Since I have no
> record of this, perhaps you would be good enough to explain.>>
> Those effective chalenges are in the LISTSERV archives.
> Burgy (John Burgeson)
> www.burgy.50megs.com
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Received on Thu Jul 29 17:36:46 2004
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