Hi Burgy,
You have written "... an effective challenge HAS been offered..." (to my
claims regarding the miraculous structure of Genesis 1:1). Since I have no
record of this, perhaps you would be good enough to explain.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John W Burgeson" <jwburgeson@juno.com>
To: <vernon.jenkins@virgin.net>
Cc: <asa@calvin.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Genesis 1:1 - a standing miracle
> >>As no one on this list has
> offered an effective challenge to this claim>>
> Since a number of us are of a contrary opinion (i.e. that an effective
> challenge HAS been offered), the rest of your post is moot. At least in
> our eyes.
> Burgy
> www.burgy.50megs.com
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Received on Wed Jul 28 16:14:12 2004
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