I gather from your various responses that it was foolish of me to believe
that _conventional_ creationist scientists had an effective answer to the
claims of isochron dating. Having examined the underlying rationale of the
technique I am satisfied that you are indeed correct - and I therefore
withdraw my assertion. However, it follows that there must be some other
assumption that you, collectively, fail to take into account concerning
scientific investigation - particularly that concerning earth history. Allow
me then to retrace my steps a little to determine what this might be.
You will recollect that I have presented empirical evidence concerning the
remarkable structure of the Bible's first verse - and have claimed it to be
an example of _supernatural intelligent design_ - its author, more likely
than not, our Creator - the Lord Jesus Christ. As no one on this list has
offered an effective challenge to this claim, we must therefore assume it to
be correct. Certain implications follow; these include
(1) Whereas we Christians have walked largely by faith hitherto, we may now
walk in the full confidence inspired by this gratuitous sign of His being
and sovereignty. Clearly, this is a God who is actively involved with His
creation - and with man, in particular..
(2) That this event has been timed to coincide with a period of great and
gathering apostasy and confusion concerning what is true, and what is not,
can hardly be accidental. We therefore infer that the sign has a serious
purpose over and above that of making our confidence sure.
(3) One significant purpose, undoubtedly, is to rekindle trust in the Bible
as the Word of God and as a body of revealed truth. Thus, I suggest, it is
no longer sensible to edit out those teachings which we find difficult and
hard to accept.
(4) The supernatural activity which, we infer, must have preceded the
writing of Genesis 1:1 - and the design of the A4 sheet of cut paper -
raises the wider question of the extent to which our lives are subject to
influences of which we are probably unaware, and over which we have no
It is on the basis of (3) above that I believe the days of creation to be
literal days; and the subsequent genealogies to be true. I invite those who
believe otherwise to consider the possible implications of (4) -
particularly with respect to Eph.6:10-18; Job 1:6-12, 2:1-7; and 1Kings 22 -
bearing in mind that The Theory of Evolution is no friend of the Scriptures.
I suggest the foregoing passages can no longer be regarded as mere fables -
to be believed, or not, as one chooses. The opportunities for deception, and
self-deception, in this life are clearly immense.
In a nutshell, gentlemen, you are all making the assumption that the
supernatural is neutral with respect to man and his activities. The Bible -
now with renewed vigour - makes it clear that nothing could be further from
the truth!
Received on Tue Jul 27 19:05:16 2004
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