To the Forum:
The numerical structure of Genesis 1:1 is remarkable for many independent reasons - but particularly for its coordinated numerical geometries (based on 37 - arguably the most symmetrical of numbers, and factor of both "Jesus" and "Christ") and its content of fundamental constants (two involving links with the parallel verse, John 1:1 - as we find it rendered in the original NT Greek). How such wonders have come to be woven into the fabric of the Bible's opening sequence of 7 words, and for what purpose, are matters which should now tax the minds of all who seriously claim _truth_ to be their goal.
Since 1961, this mystery has been compounded by the existence of a metric standard for cut paper sizes. A4 - the most popular medium for business use and for computer hard copy - has dimensions which map precisely onto the Genesis 1:1 set, and beyond. (See
One significant conclusion to be drawn from these data, I suggest, is that He who is responsible (our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ) reveals Himself as a _transcendent_ God who, from the beginning, has interacted with His creation - particularly with those created in His image. Taken together, the features alluded to above therefore imply that _deism_ is no longer available as a valid option for thinking people - whereas biotic ID undoubtedly is.
Received on Sat Jul 24 16:52:04 2004
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