I'm a little hampered at present by a general email delivery failure in the Virgin.Net system. However, I've just picked up your recent responses from the ASA archive. Please allow me to single out Michael's contributions for immediate attention (those from Gordon and Gary will require more thought).
Michael, you have written
1) It is time you gave substance to your arrogant assertions, whether on your so-called standing miracle or the falsity of historical science.Your views never progress beyond risible nonsense.
I believe I have already provided a great deal of substance in my earlier posts. The whole basis of my thesis is that He who has purposely woven these wonders into the very first verse of His Word thereby reveals something more of His being and character than we would otherwise have been aware. Michael, you are a Christian minister - having a responsibility for the ultimate safe delivery of the souls of your flock; I would therefore have thought a careful and reverential attitude more appropriate - or else a responsible and closely-argued rebuttal of my claims. Your suggestion that this is all 'risible nonsense' is, I suggest, most unprofessional and completely pointless.
2) A mathematical comment on the common 6 + 1 literary devices . When you use maths to the base 60 !/1, !/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 are integers giving 60,30,20,15,12, 10 and this could give the 7 day week etc. If this is so then it means that "Moses/J/P " borrowed from non-judaistic Babylonian culture. Oh deary me. Longing to hear what false assumptions geologists have!! Except that we are all heathen
Michael, what on earth these things have in common with the subject under consideration puzzles me intensely. Are they intended to divert attention from what really matters to the members of this forum, viz the _truth_ concerning origins?
Received on Tue Jul 20 17:35:21 2004
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