REPLY: Yes indeed world population is a serious issue and it seems essential
not only that we bring population growth to a halt but also begin to reverse
population growth with all the potential for negative consequences that might
entail. And when it comes to decreasing population levels, who of us will be
the first to volunteer to go?
But it needs also to be said that more than 2 billion of the world's poorest
people (about 1/3 of the earth's current population) have virtually no access
to modern energy sources at all and live lives of poverty and hardship. These
are the groups that tend to have the highest birth rates (and death rates), but
they are not the people who are putting pressure on modern energy resources,
although they do place other demands (water, food, and shelter) on the natural
world that seem difficult to meet.
The major pressure on modern energy resources is being provided by us (the US
and the rest of the developed world). In the States, per capita oil consumption
amounts to 25 barrels per year (this does not include our use of natural gas,
coal, nuclear and hydro energy) which provides about 40% of our primary energy
use. In China per capita oil use is about 1.7 barrels - less than 7% of what we
use. Imagine what would happen to energy supplies if China was even to double
its demand for oil. Or imagine what would happen to oil demand if the 2 billion
"have nothings" were to make energy demands equivalent to those of the Chinese
population today, not to mention equivalent to that of middle class America.
In all of these energy issues, the questions of equity and justice seem hardly
to surface at all. We are concerned only with sustaining what we have and even
growing that. What about those who have nothing and have no prospect for ever
getting anything?
It seems that when it comes to energy demand, we need to ask this question:
Can the world afford to have US around?
Have a nice weekend.
Ken Piers
"Everything should be as simple as possible - but not simpler." A. Einstein
>>> wallyshoes <> 7/8/2004 11:54:15 PM >>>
There is an interesting article in the July issue of Physics today. I
like it because it supports a view that I have put forth to Glenn in the
post. The basic problem is too many people, and any increase in energy
will not solve that. Only by limiting population growth can we ever
expect to avoid total misery in the world.
The article shows the drop in oil production much more dramatically then
what I recall from Glenn's posts.
I would post the article but Physics Today does not allow that. I
encourage others to get a copy and read it.
-- =================================== Walt Hicks <> In any consistent theory, there must exist true but not provable statements. (Godel's Theorem) You can only find the truth with logic If you have already found the truth without it. (G.K. Chesterton) ===================================
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