This e-mail is about grouping Vernon's personality types
into 2 lists of people, based on 2 things -- algebraic properties,
and simultaneously whether they dwell on Isaiah 11:2 or Phil 4:8.
I am using the NIV translation for these 2 verses.
Distinctive personality faculties based on "being right"
These people have emotions OK, so try to straighten logic. They
are extremely emotionally agile. They exhibit the emotional maturity
suggested in Isaiah 11:2 as follows. Philosophy of life is to live
ingeniously, with dignity/integrity/self-respect moving continuously
in a path beyond our wildest imagination.
These 3-digit numbers of Vernon's are totally random and each
uniquely distinctive. This makes them easier to categorize.
671 INFP -- intuition/hunch can do short-cut decipher based on
interviewee's stated steps in problem-solving, knowing how many
steps there should be. With fewer steps, either loose or ignorant,
apathetic, liar, stupid, arrogant. This implies loose=intuition,
ignorant=feeling, apathetic=logic, liar=common sense,
stupid=imagination, arrogant=instinct are respectively off.
They exhibit the spirit of counsel.
501 ISFP affections based on psychic touch. Hopefully not
suckered into new age religion. They exhibit the spirit of
662 ESTJ common sense/will searching for peace/serenity. Could be
military. They exhibit the spirit of fear of the LORD (proper
awe) or karma ( as expressed in the LORD's prayer ).
841 INTJ reasoning -- recognize flaws in logic -- doesn't tell
which path of investigation to pursue first, might never get
around to best approach. They exhibit the spirit of wisdom.
104 ESTP instinct/vibes oriented toward emergency living, as police,
firemen, ICU nurse, etc. They exhibit the spirit of power/energy.
671.9 ENFP imagination/brainstorming alternative realities -- there
are more places than heaven/hell in metaphoric Spiritual Realms.
They exhibit the spirit of knowledge (knowing where the ledge is).
672 ENFJ honesty out front, identify crucial gaps via case research
not just books. Depends on your community. They exhibit the value/
priority ( via their case research ) of freedom/truth, as emphasized
in John's gospel. John 8:32 the truth will set you free, distributed
knowledge. Work with providence and circumstance. Loving God with
all your STRENGTH.
692 ESFJ 2nd nature instinct of rooster/Peter connection, finally ready
for Spiritual Warfare after forgiveness for 3 denials. They exhibit
the value/priority of joy/hospitality as emphasized in Luke's gospel.
Songs and amazement in historical stories. Serendipity/synchronicity
based on mutual benefit from strangers. Loving God with all your
Distinctive personality faculties based on "getting emotions right"
What is meant by this is get them light, i.e. emphasize the positives.
Their logic is OK, so they try to straighten the emotions. They are
favorably mentally dexterous/quick. They have established the strong
tendencies to think according to Paul's suggestions in Philippians 4:8
as follows.
These are Vernon Jenkin's numbers where the numbers are symmetric or
mirrors of each other. They are more difficult to analyze. Philosophy in
life is co-heir, balance/moderate/abundant emotions, and live
373 ESFP intuition/hunch based on luck/serendipity/humor/tips. They have
established a trend toward beautiful thoughts.
666 ISTJ affections being a parent/guardian of folks, doing all the
chores. They have established a trend toward pure thoughts.
351 ISTP common sense/will of William Tell, sleep through new
technology, get by via their down-to-earth wits, but have relationship
with God Most High. They have established a trend toward noble
444 ENTP reasoning -- multiple projects all the time, a busy bee. They
have established a trend toward right thoughts.
676 ENTJ instinct/vibes -- bridge over troubled waters, with no
regret/dread totally clean conscience. They have established a
trend toward admirable thoughts.
667 ISFJ imagination -- retired for meritorious service, love to advise
based on devil's advocate. They have established a trend toward true
(assumptions) thoughts.
766 INFJ honesty pillar of the community. They dwell on the
value/priority of meaning/purpose, as emphasized in Matthew's
gospel. Rigours of life, mission control, beattitudes, Lord's
prayer, wise men's wisdom timing. Loving God with all your MIND.
888 INTP Imagination of blue lightning ( Blues Brothers ). They dwell on
the value/priority of equity/worthiness, as emphasized in Mark's
gospel. Love Jesus most for ease of burden, don't look back/quibble,
don't let mammon destroy your treasures in heaven. Stewardship of
talents. Loving God with all your SOUL. Loving Jesus most is the 5th
item toward loving God. This verse is in Matthew's gospel.
Received on Tue Jul 6 18:54:47 2004
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