Ok, I reformatted it, unfortunately not as tightly focused, but the info
is here. Enjoy!
I am going to a mental-illness support group this week which is going to
studying Spiritual Warfare. I have a mild case of manic-depression since
I have been studying a bit of biology, chemistry, and physics lately. My
competence is in mathematics and computers. I couldn't help myself
speculating about this new knowledge I've acquired. Bear in mind that I
been in a hypomanic state for about 2 months now, but this
info seems plausible to me.
PURPOSE of this e-mail -- I think that perhaps Vernon's
discovery is a GIFT and a
WONDER in the terms below of an analysis of Psalm 15. This
passage caused me to
notice that the discussion has been focusing on whether it
is a MIRACLE or SIGN. Being
partially a GIFT it does have application to the concept of
Biological Evolution, since
biology is nominally most related to gift of life in terms
Here's my main argument: -- His info doesn't violate any rule of nature,
so it doesn't qualify as a MIRACLE. It's not about something
just now going to happen,
so it doesn't qualify as a SIGN. It does show a remarkable
previously unobserved pattern
with formula substitutions out the wazoo, and demonstrates a
count of number of instances of certain things, so it is a
discerned GIFT to us. Placement
of the information is in a beautiful shape and strategic
location, so it is a WONDER as well.
In mathematics terms, his work has to do with formula substitution (
algebra ) and
coverage/shape ( topology ) . The formula business is where biology
comes in.
Psalm 15
A psalm of David.
1 LORD , who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?
2 He whose walk is blameless
and who does what is righteous, -- WONDERS acknowledged/pondered
who speaks the truth from his heart
3 and has no slander on his tongue,
who does his neighbor no wrong -- MIRACLES wisely admitted
and casts no slur on his fellowman,
4 who despises a vile man
but honors those who fear the LORD , -- SIGNS carefully dwelt on
who keeps his oath
even when it hurts
5 who lends his money without usury -- GIFTS appreciated/passed on
and does not accept a bribe against the innocent
He who does these things
shall never be moved.
Psalm 15
A psalm of David.
V.1. --- mountain top experiences of holy of holies
V.2. ---Melancholy DOCTOR shield of faith / breastplate of righteousness
*-->Love God with all your heart CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
inductive reasoning and life synthesis in the blood
Bible Benefit: find your heart's desire, see WONDER
of creation/recovery by KNOWLEDGE (knowing the edge)
V.3. ---Phlegmatic SCIENTIST prayer / belt of truth
-->Love God with all your mind NERVOUS SYSTEM
deductive reasoning from hypotheses
Bible Benefit: your mind is transformed, see MIRACLES
of nature by WISDOM ( knowledge reduced to 1st principles)
v.4. ---Choleric LAWYER sword of the Spirit (word of God) /
shoes of the gospel of peace
-->Love God with all your strength DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
gut instinct for survival/vibes and sheer free will /
Bible Benefit: find hope / peace, see SIGNS of
impending justice/mercy by
V.5. ---Sanguine MATHEMATICIAN helmet of salvation
--> Love God with all your soul RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
intuitive hunches
Bible Benefit: find rest for soul, soul not lost, see
of SPIRITS (pattern/#elements)
V5B. He who does these things
shall never be moved.
--- safe by common sense.
Some more explorations of the domains above:
In terms on the main sciences we have:
Medicine has wonders of creation/recovery, using new synthetic elements
for mankind's benefit, especially medicine.
Physics has miracles of nature with exceptions and new levels
Chemistry has signs of justice in combining into new minerals
Biology has gift of life perception
In terms of the main branches of mathematics we have:
Medical Topology has coverage of wound with rubber bands and surgery
Physics Analysis has analysis of configuration of elementary particles
Chemical Probability/statistics has organization of new
Biological Algebra has formulation of big picture of life, by adding
missing ingredients
Received on Mon Jul 5 15:46:18 2004
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