On 6/30/04 11:29 PM, "Innovatia" <dennis@innovatia.com> wrote:
> Glenn, Ken, Don, Al, other oil people,
> Below is an email ad I received promoting the production of gas from coal. The
> 100 billion barrel reserve in PA again raises the question of the coal
> gassification rates that can be expected with existing or foreseeable
> technology. Any comments on this?
It is impossible to gain any confidence in this ad when it says the
> This plant will produce 60 million gallons of fuel a year, which would go a
> long way toward checking foreign oil prices.
If my arithmetic is correct, this translates into considerably less than one
gallon of fuel per vehicle in the US. And this is going to ³go a long way
toward checking foreign oil prices²?
Howard Van Till
Received on Fri Jul 2 15:15:23 2004
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