Re: The state of suburban theology

From: John W Burgeson <>
Date: Mon Jun 21 2004 - 11:16:33 EDT

Howard posted: >>"Scientific knowledge is not about the universe in its
wholeness but only
about some structure selected to fit the demands of the techniques and
theories available to the human mind at any given stage in the
of scientific thought. What is true of science in this respect is true of
philosophy and theology or any other way in which the human mind might
attain knowledge."

Howard Van Till>>

Are those your words or a quotation from somewhere?

Either way -- very useful summary. I'd like to try to work in
Polkinghorne's concept of verisimilitude with it, along with the saying
""It has become clear that science is not in contact with ultimate
reality; that at best it describes the waves and not he water of
reality." I don't know where that one came from either.


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Received on Mon Jun 21 11:54:35 2004

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