Re: Shapes of a Wedge

From: John W Burgeson <>
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 11:53:32 EDT

Robert answered you pretty well.

When you write: " First itsays "go forth and multiply". Now assuming one
does this, it does not mean that one must be married nor heterosexual.
It does mean that one must have sex with a partner of the opposite sex in
order to fulfill this command."

The rub is in the assumption. If one takes this command as directed
personally, then even then you are incorrect, for a gay couple can
certainly "multiply" by the adoption procedure. Or by in vitro.

The claim you are making comes down to this:

"A domestic union between two same-gender persons, even though both are
adults and love one another, is most definitely and clearly a sin as far
as the Christian God is concerned."

I am convinced that while that claim is not true. Note that I included
the qualifiers "most definitely and clearly" in the above.

If the claim is rephrased (words ARE important) to:

"A domestic union between two same-gender persons, even though both are
adults and love one another, is a sin as far as the Christian God is

then I will simply say that the claim MIGHT be true; a lot of devout
Christian scholars who have studied the matter have concluded that it is
not true; others, equally devout, have concluded that it is true.

My position statement on my web site says that I cannot judge between
these; I must choose one or the other. And so I have done. I may be
wrong. Or you may be wrong. One day we will know.


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Received on Thu Jun 17 12:27:30 2004

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