Re: Shapes of a Wedge

From: Jan de Koning <>
Date: Mon Jun 07 2004 - 12:07:58 EDT

At 06:45 AM 07/06/2004 +0200, Peter Ruest wrote:
  Those of us who are privileged to live in democratic societies also
participate in bearing some of the responsibility for its laws, whether
this is by means of voting for constitutions and electing parliaments or
other law-making bodies, or even by means of initiatives and referenda
regarding specific laws. By the way, I don't see a principal difference
between legislative law and case law, as human sin represents a problem in
both areas. And any existing body of law is a result of humanity
determining right and wrong, with only some of the legislators taking God's
laws into account. On the one hand, we must recognize that there is no such
thing as a "Christian state", as a majority of the citizens are not
following Christ. Thus, we cannot expect to be able to provide for a law
system fully in accordance with the intent of God's laws. But on the other
hand, trying to avoid participating in the law-making process is not a live
option for us, as it is not possible to disentangle oneself from the evils
of the world-system in this way. Abstaining from politics in a democracy is
also a political action, which may have negative consequences. Experience
shows that even minorities can exert a political influence.

My (Jan de Koning's) reply:
Generally speaking, I would agree. However, there are a few things to
think of:
1. In Canada we are voting by "districts" and whoever is voted in is
representing the district. The result is, or rather should be, that the
person voted in should be mostly interested in his district, rather than in
the well-being of the country as a whole.
2. A Christian party should be possible, but most Christians have divided
their life in two parts: the spiritual part and everything else (mostly
dominated by the economic side of life.) I would like to show in my voting
that the Economy is not the most important part for me, but for example: "
How do we take care of those who fall by the wayside, no job, no family, or
who need assistance continually. " I want the government, just like
churches (should) show that they care about people. For example, here in
Toronto homelessness is growing, because some people cannot find affordable
places to live. That is contrary to what God wants us to show.
3. here in Canada we have an election in a few weeks, however, in our
"riding" the only choices are Conservative or Liberal or the small Green
Party. Both of the large parties seem to think that the "ECONOMY" is the
most important thing. I must admit that they do mention health-care, but
it is tied in with "who is going to pay."
4. then there are certain issues which would not give too much trouble, if
the growing secular society was not forcing their will on
Christains. Examples: homosexual weddings, abortion etc. Again, a
Christian party is needed, if it is only to tell the nation that they are
on the wrong way.

More could be said, but . . .

Jan de Koning
Received on Mon Jun 7 12:35:49 2004

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