From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 14:57:17 EST
In general one may say that "Science" is something that is based on our
look at "nature". It is not something that is free from a basic "outlook
on life." So, if in our outlook on life we look down on
different-coloured" people, than in our science we take that outlook
along. If then we have never given these people a chance to go to school,
than it is easy to say that they have less intelligence. We forget easily
that science, knowing etc. have nothing in common with intelligence.
The same things happen today as well, but we do not see it because we have
taken the belief of our upbringing with us. I hear it regularly: "It is
their own fault that they are poor, or are homeless. We made it, and we
are immigrants. So they are just lazy." Apart from the fact that in that
way we can escape our responsibility, I know people who honestly believe
it, and would be willing to write it down as well.
At 01:44 PM 19/11/2003 -0500, Ted Davis wrote:
>Rich wrote:
>I'm not sure I am comprehending this. Social Darwinism took a scientifc
>advance and used it to justify labeling other races inferior, but quite
>that justification came from people already inclined to believe that.
>science doesn't justify anything.
>Ted replies: Rich, I'm not trying to be difficult or to insult you. I've
>done my best to explain my point, if you don't see it, then perhaps I
>haven't explained it carefully enough. But I don't know how to be clearer.
>Perhaps someone else can help here? I have nothing further to say, myself.
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