Re: Subject: Re: Four items of possible controversy

From: Ted Davis (
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 07:56:02 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Subject: Re: Four items of possible controversy"

    Dear Rich,

    Ted is not the list manager, he's a member of the list just as you are.
    The reason Michael has mentioned my name in several of his posts, is simply
    that he is wondering out loud whether or not I agree with him. He does
    this, typically, when addressing issues on YEC or the history of science,
    both of which I know something about.

    I myself have not responded directly to any of your posts on Jewish
    marriage practices. I don't know anything about the subjects you have
    raised, and I do try not to add my ignorance to the pile in such situations.
     With everything else I have to do each day, I haven't time to read any of
    the books you have suggested, although I do plan to have a look at Darwin's
    Cathedral--which I had the library order and which some of my friends have
    read and reviewed.

    I would say the same thing about most other books discussed on this list, I
    haven't time to read them and don't plan to. Once in awhile, I do see
    something that sounds like I ought to read it, and that's one reason why I
    am on this list.


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