Re: Racism and YEC (WAS:Four items of possible controversy)

From: bivalve (
Date: Tue Nov 18 2003 - 19:46:05 EST

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: Declining water and oil"

    >> Also, it seems to me that most Darwinists have
    >> never entirely repudiated Social Darwinism
    >> (rebranded as sociobiology or evolutionary
    >> psychology). They cannot in fact do so, because
    >> they need Darwinism to be a biological Theory of
    >> Everything.

    Obviously, your definition of Darwinist will strongly affect assessing the statement. However, I would note that David Hull, in _Science as a Process_, notes that the claim that sociobiology explains all human behavior is self-defeating (because sociobiology itself is then merely an evolutionary ploy). I think Hull probably qualifies as a Darwinist. On the other hand, it's not hard to observe examples of humans acting out of evolutionary self-interest, so sociobiology does have some factual merit.

        Dr. David Campbell
        Old Seashells
        University of Alabama
        Biodiversity & Systematics
        Dept. Biological Sciences
        Box 870345
        Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0345 USA

    That is Uncle Joe, taken in the masonic regalia of a Grand Exalted Periwinkle of the Mystic Order of Whelks-P.G. Wodehouse, Romance at Droitgate Spa


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