Re: Flood Paper available for criticism

Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 17:58:25 EST

  • Next message: bivalve: "Re: concordance & genesis (edited)"

    In a message dated 11/17/03 3:31:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
    Waddell was trying to prove that the origin of the peoples who settled the
    Indus valley were of Sumerian and not Semitic origin. He produced companion
    king lists from Sumer and juxtaposed them alongside king lists found in the Indus
    valley showing that there was a commonality. As far as being "suspect" I
    don't think he altered any of them.

    I am also perplexed the Oxford companion to archeology would mention 2900
    B.C. in reference to Uruk without mentioning a flood, although perhaps Kish was
    flooded and Uruk was not?
    I did not suggest waddell altered anything. I said the dates for the reigns
    are contested.

    Have you ever heard that the indo-european peoples are known to have altered
     mesopotamian river beds to drown or dry up
    cities causing the water to leave its river bed? I have read that this was
    a war tactic.

    rich faussette

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