Re: Declining resources [was RE: Declining water]

Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 15:50:39 EST

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: Four items of possible controversy"

    Michael wrote:

    ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
    From: "Michael Roberts" <>
    Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 18:59:58 -0000

    >MessageThere is a high level of car ownership over here and if you own a sensible vehicle fuel costs in the UK are the same as costs for a SUV in the colonies.

    GRM: Colonies? Still carrying a grudge are we??? :-)

    As much as I begrudge 75pence ie $1.10c for a litre of gas it does encourage fuel economy.
    >Dont forget middle class kids like me were cycling 2-3 miles to school at the age of nine and lots of people used to cycle 4-5 miles to work and back. There not many days of 80 mph winds or blizzards - more in Aberdeen but rare south of there.
    >I dont know what the answer is. We are dependent on cars as we live 3 miles from the nearest shop which is tiny and 6 miles from a supermarket.

    GRM: In Aberdeen I lived a quarter mile from the tiny stores and about 8 miles from the supermarket. I walked to the grocery store all the time, down a big hill and then back up carrying my load--as did everyone in Peterculter. But there is a decided lack of parking in most Scottish villages so taking the car can be more trouble than it is worth. We colonists (er Americans) are spoiled to driving. But, having walked to my local grocery here, I know it is a 1.5 hour round trip. I will drive

    >Glenn can you work out how gas would be saved by
    >1, moving over to manual gearboxes
    >2. smaller engines - 1.1. to 1.8 litre max

    GRM: No, but it would be substantial. And smaller cars like those in the UK would make many americans have to lose weight as well.

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