Evolution of digital organisms

From: Duff,Robert Joel (rjduff@uakron.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 09:36:01 EST

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    Back in May there was some discussion about a paper that came out in
    Nature entitled "The evolutionary origin of complex features" that
    examined that question with digital organisms. I have a colleague in
    the department that knows all four of the authors of that paper. Last
    fall we had Rich Lenski come for a seminar and now this Thursday we are
    hosting Dr. Charles Ofria for a seminar entitled:

    "The evolutionary origin of complex traits in digital organisms" Ofria
    is apparently the investigator that actually set up the digital
    organisms and did much of the analyses. For those in the Akron OH area
    I would invite you to come to the seminar (Thursday Nov 13, 4:00pm
    Auburn Science and Engineering Center room 122). There will be time for
    discussion after the seminar and an informal get together in the


    If anyone has any particular questions about this work I would be quite
    willing to ask him anything that you might be wondering. There will be
    another chance to find out more about this particular research in the
    spring when we will be having another author, Robert Pennock, of that
    paper come for another seminar.


    Joel Duff

    Department of Biology

    University of Akron

    Akron OH 44325-3908


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