Re: UK oil production lowest since 1992

Date: Sun Nov 09 2003 - 20:01:30 EST

  • Next message: Darryl Maddox: "Decining water"

    In a message dated 11/7/03 1:13:12 PM, writes:

    > It started out as a stewardship of the earth issue for me about 3 years
    > ago.
    > All I was doing was updating where things stood. Sorry if you think it
    > doesn't belong here. If others feel the same, I will cease and desist.

    Glenn. Don't stop sending these updates on world oil production. This is
    critical information we all need. As I see it, It will have a tremendous impact
    on the church and how it reaches people. The parking lot around my church is
    crowded every Sunday morning with people who have driven to church. If oil
    eventually becomes as scarce as it seems it will, we'll need to change how we
    get people to church and where we locate new churches.

    Keep it up.


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