From: Walter Hicks (
Date: Fri Nov 07 2003 - 21:59:28 EST

  • Next message: Inge Frette: "Ruse reviews the latest book by Dawkins"

    I must humbly apologize for this post. I had
    intended for it to be a private communication with
    Vernon. My hope was to get Vernon to present his
    ideas more kindly and effectively. People have
    pointed out that I am at least partially
    responsible for Terry asking that this subject
    not be posted in the future.

    I would hate to have this happen on my behalf. I
    think that others might be interested -- perhaps
    even more so of the information were presented
    with a different tone.

    So let me say that I for one have no problem with
    Vernon and Richard posting their ideas on the ASA
    list. If others feel this way, they might so
    indicate to Terry.

    I am very sorry, Vernon.


    Walter Hicks wrote:

    > EGO TRIP !!?
    > Vernon Jenkins wrote:
    >> Howard, Thank you for writing, but you
    >> misrepresent me. I have for some 25 years
    >> attempted to bring these features of the
    >> Bible's opening words to the attention of
    >> others - fellow Christians, in particular.
    >> Basing my expectations on 'normal practice', I
    >> believed that empirical data of this quality
    >> and significance would be eagerly grasped and
    >> propagated by others. Nothing of the kind has
    >> happened, of course! And I wondered why -
    >> eventually finding the answer in Gen.8:21,
    >> Psalm 2 and Jer.17:9. I therefore do no more
    >> than remind people of what God has said about
    >> us _all_. What is 'self-serving' and
    >> 'arrogant' about that? And where is the 'abuse
    >> of Scripture' that you speak of ? These
    >> characteristics of the human condition
    >> prompted the Incarnation, and all that
    >> followed. Clearly, there was no other way
    > Actually, Vernon , there is another way. It
    > starts with humility instead of arrogance (you
    > should look up the actual meaning of that word)
    > Instead of being so pompous and "know it all",
    > You never even concede that your ideas may be
    > rejected because.
    > 1.) They may be wrong
    > 2.) You present them too arrogantly (i.e. with
    > pomposity). Try thinking a bit and then try
    > presenting your ideas a bit more humbly ------
    > then people may listen for a while
    > Walt
    > ===================================
    > Walt Hicks <>
    > In any consistent theory, there must
    > exist true but not provable statements.
    > (Godel's Theorem)
    > You can only find the truth with logic
    > If you have already found the truth
    > without it. (G.K. Chesterton)
    > ===================================

    Walt Hicks <>

    In any consistent theory, there must exist true but not provable statements. (Godel's Theorem)

    You can only find the truth with logic If you have already found the truth without it. (G.K. Chesterton) ===================================

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