Embedded patterns (was "The Iota Subscript")

From: Howard J. Van Till (hvantill@chartermi.net)
Date: Tue Nov 04 2003 - 20:52:24 EST

  • Next message: richard@biblewheel.com: "Re: Embedded patterns (was "The Iota Subscript")"

    Once again some members of this list are claiming to have discovered
    marvelous and significant patterns (symmetries, wheels, numero-geometrical
    structures, etc) in the biblical text. More specifically, these patterns are
    hailed as patterns that are embedded in the text itself, just waiting to be

    So, are these patterns actually "embedded" in (located within) the biblical
    text, and were they in fact "discovered" by persons on this list?

    I'm inclined to say: Yes, these patterns are really there. These patterns
    are embedded in the biblical text in the same way that the Pieta was
    embedded in the slab of marble from which Michaelangelo painstakingly carved

    In either case, whether one's goal is to find interesting numerical patterns
    in a text, or meaningful shapes in a slab of marble, if you chip away long
    enough, you will find what you are looking for. Furthermore, in both cases
    the final product is the outcome of human artisanship and persistence --
    something to be admired, perhaps, but not, in my judgment, evidence of
    special divine action.

    Howard Van Till

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