From: Darryl Maddox (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 16:18:23 EDT
MY FAULT bad wording. I should have said " individuals or as a
Thanks Burgy
----- Original Message -----
From: "John W Burgeson" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: It happened!!
> Darryl wrote, in part: "as a person I will not ridicule them as people or
> as a group."
> I have a problem here. A "group" is not a person.
> I don't know that I've ever ridiculed ICR or AIG, but as "groups" they
> both stand for ideas which are nonsense -- that is their identity. Not so
> a person, whose identity is that of a "child of God."
> The purpose of a "good ridicule" is not to denigrate a person, but an
> idea, or a set of ideas. Thus when Dick suggested: "ICR: The Institute
> for Creating Ridicule." it was not only (I think) a decent guffaw but
> also an accurate description of what ICR accomplishes among many people.
> The "AIG: Agonizing in Genesis" suggestion, since AIG seems to specialize
> in torturous interpretations of Genesis, seems to also qualify.
> OTOH, I would not attach "Liars for Jesus" to either organization, for
> that calls in question the integrity of individual persons.
> That is the difference I see; I may be wrong.
> Burgy
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