From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 08:30:39 EDT
>From: Keith Miller <>
> In my experience, "Darwinism" is commonly used as a pejorative that
> simply means "all aspects of evolution that I find objectionable." It
> is hardly ever defined, and is certainly not used in any consistent
> manner. I doubt whether many who use the phrase in public debate could
> even give a clear definition.
> An interesting part of this is that back during the conflict over
> science standards in Kansas, it was the anti-evolutionists who wanted
> to change the word "evolution" in the standards to "Darwinian
> evolution." Attaching the word Darwin to evolution produces an almost
> visceral negative reaction in some people.
Exactly right. "By their rhetorical strategy you shall know them."
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