From: George Murphy (
Date: Fri Sep 26 2003 - 07:40:09 EDT
Terry has indicated to me that a listing of acronyms used here can be made
available. Let's do it.
The following acronymns used with some frequency on the asa list occur to me off
the top of my head. I've tried to resist the temptation to include acronyms that I
think we _should_ use or my own personal abbreviations. I invite other list
participants to add any I've missed. Please just post suggested additions, not this
whole message - I'll take care of cleaning things up.
Note that these are to be acronyms used particularly on this list - not just
general internet slang (e.g., OTOH for on the one/other hand) or terms for specialized
disciplines which are seldom if ever used here (e.g., EIH for Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann
Some of these acronyms can be "translated" in slightly different ways. E.g.,
the C at the end of OEC can be "creation," "creationism" or "creationist." This can
usually be determined by context.
General Terms
BB Big Bang
CSI Complex Specified Information
ID Intelligent Design
NT New Testament
MN Methodological Naturalism (Not to be confused with Metaphysical
Naturalism, for which I suggest use of ON, "Ontological Naturalism.")
MWH Many Worlds Hypothesis
MWI Many Worlds Interpretation (of quantum mechanics).
OEC Old Earth Creationism
OT Old Testament
PC Progressive Creationism
QM Quantum Mechanics
RC Roman Catholic
RFEP Robust Formational Economy Principle
TE Theistic Evolution
YEC Young Earth Creationism
Organizations, Journals, &c.
AIG Answers in Genesis
ASA American Scientific Affiliation
CTNS Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
ICR Institute for Creation Research
PSCF Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
RTB Reasons to Believe
George L. Murphy
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