From: George Murphy (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 15:00:16 EDT
John W Burgeson wrote:
> George wrote, in part: " As with other situations in which there are
> limited resources, this can be
> dealt with on a triage basis.
> On my web site is this quotation:
> Edmund Burke: "Nobody makes a greater mistake than the person who does
> nothing because only a little can be done."
> I think where we agree is that there are places we can have an effect.
> I think where we disagree is where some of those places might be.
> I don't have any problem with that. There are no hopeless cases with God.
> Therefore, your triage concept is unpersuasive, although I do understand
> it.
> I think you think my attendance at the Sebeny seminar, and my consequent
> publishing of my notes and comments on this (and other) lists, and the
> ensuing discussions, is a case of tilting at a windmill. You may be
> right. And it may be that, in the final accounting, it will have no
> effect at all. But I don't know that.
> I do know that my web site has received a decent influx of visitors in
> the past week, so somebody is noticing.
Triage doesn't mean doing nothing, but doing what is possible with the resources
available. If you expend resources on a Category 1 patient befoere taking care of all
the 2s, you have a good chance of losing both. If you first treat all the 2s then
they'll probably survive & you may then have a chance of saving some 1s.
Yes, you may have some effect on hard core YECs. But the same time & energy is
likely to have more of an effect with category 2 folks. & you & I have only finite
resources. There are no hopeless cases with God because God's resources aren't limited
(except for process theologians).
George L. Murphy
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