Re: One more thing

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 11:37:45 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: It happened!!"

    Wally asked"
    From whence came the "Liars for Jesus" quote?"

    That label has been pinned to ICR spokesmen by members of the Compuserve
    RELIGION forum for at least 10 or so years. It is not one I use, and it
    is one I have argued against on that forum, where I have been a sysop
    since 1993.

    I think it has also been used on TALKORIGINS.

    The creationists who show up on my forum are generally characterized by
    being inept, opinionated, thin skinned, fond of proof texts and fond of
    hit and run away tactics. There was one a few years ago who, though a
    YEC, was also a gentleman and a good arguer. But he was an exception.


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