Re: royalty

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 17:32:45 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: Creationists Running for School Board"

    >> it seems to
    me that any claim to be descended from a sinful affair between Jesus and
    Mary Magdalene, would gain one quick entry into the afterlife.>>

    The claim was for a marriage, not a "sinful" liaison.

    And it did get the sect who held to it an introduction to vengeful

    But some did survive. and prosper to this day. Or so I understand.

    I heard it somewhere where Luther once thought that Jesus and Ms.
    Magdalene might have been husband and wife. But that may just be an idle

    Suppose I thought it might be so? Would this be a reason to consider me
    as a non-Christian? Suppose I held that it was a fact?


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