Creationists Running for School Board

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 15:02:51 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Petermann: "Re: C.S. Lewis on ETs and theology"

    Now its in my backyard. What do you guys think about tagging the movement:
    "intelligent design creationism"? Fair or unfair?

    >In Fairfax County Virginia, there are three at-large candidates for the
    >school board who support teaching intelligent design creationism in Fairfax
    >County public schools.
    >The issue is sure to come before the board over the next four years, as it
    >has in Ohio, Georgia, Texas and elsewhere. Given how carefully intelligent
    >design creationists avoid explicitly mentioning God or religion, we may not
    >be able to count on the courts to defend science education.
    >The next phase of the battle is going to be at the school boards.
    >All three of these candidates are well-funded, and endorsed/aided by a major
    >political party (the Republican party in this case.) It will be a lot easier
    >to keep these people off the school board, then to attempt to convince them
    >to change their deeply felt views once they are in office.
    >The creationist candidates are: Rita Thompson, Nell Hurley and Steve Hunt
    >The pro-science education candidates are: Janet Oleszek, Illryong Moon, and
    >Lynn Terhar.
    >The three candidates with the most votes join the board, along with district
    >I encourage any one who cares about good science education for our children
    >to support the pro-science education candidates - either at the ballot box,
    >financially, or by spreading the word to mainstream voters.
    >Please help Fairfax County avoid being taken over by creationist activists!
    >Support the following mainstream candidates.
    >Ilryong Moon ­ School Board At Large Candidate - Pro-science education
    >Janet Oleszek­ School Board At Large Candidate - Pro-science education
    >10500 Indigo Lane, Fairfax, VA 22032, 703-323-1771
    >Lynn Terhar­ School Board At Large Candidate - Pro-science education
    >PO Box 230462, Centreville, VA 20120 703-631-2238
    >P.S. I suggest always referring to this new fake-science as
    >intelligent design creationism, and not just intelligent design,
    >to highlight the connection that they are trying to blur.
    >Alex Blakemore
    >Fairfax County Virginia

    Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
    Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History

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