Re: royalty

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sat Sep 20 2003 - 19:35:21 EDT

  • Next message: D. F. Siemens, Jr.: "Re: YEC Invasion"

    Glenn Morton wrote:
    > Hi George,
    > >-----Original Message-----
    > >From: []On
    > >Behalf Of George Murphy
    > >Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 3:20 PM
    > >
    > > It wasn't generally held in the Middle Ages that it was
    > >wrong for the laity to
    > >read the Bible. Of course most laypeople couldn't read anything
    > >&, while there were
    > >vernacular versions available, most Bibles were in Latin. & it's
    > >true that laypeople
    > >generally weren't encouraged to read the Bible. But the chains
    > >sometimes seen on
    > >medieval Bibles were to keep them from being stolen, not to keep
    > >people from reading
    > >them.
    > One should tell that to Wycliffe and Wishart! :-)

            I'll be happy to when I meet them. Disseminating an unauthorized translation of
    the Bible would get you into trouble. & both Wycliffe & Wishart disagreed with Rome on
    other matters.


    George L. Murphy

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