Re: Van Till's Award

From: Denyse O'Leary (
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 11:13:11 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Evolution and Salvation"

    List members will undoubtedly want to congratulate Howard Van Till on
    the receipt of this most recent award:

    "Howard Van Till, Professor Emeritus of physics and astronomy at Calvin
    College, was presented with a Friend of Darwin Award for 2002 by the
    National Center for Science Education. NCSE is affiliated with the
    American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and defends
    the teaching of evolution in public schools. This award is presented
    'for support of evolution and science education and for service to
    NCSE.' NCSE's executive director Eugenie Scott states: 'For decades,
    Howard has been working to help the public understand evolution as a
    science, and science as a way of knowing... His thoughtful reflections
    on the complex, and often contentious, relationship between evolution
    and Christian theology have been nothing short of inspirational to those
    who hope for a rapprochement between the two.' "

    (a friend drew my attention to this item in the ASA newsletter)

    This IS correct, isn't it? I can't find a reference to it on NCSE's
    site, unfortunately, so I can't quote the release.

    Maybe Howard will comment.

    Denyse O'Leary

    To see what's new in faith and science issues, go to
    My next book, By Design or By Chance?: The Growing Controversy Over the
    Origin of Life in the Universe  (Castle Quay Books, Oakville) will be
    published Spring 2004.

    To order, call Castle Quay, 1-800-265-6397, fax 519-748-9835, or visit (CDN $19.95 or US$14.95).

    Denyse O'Leary 14 Latimer Avenue Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5N 2L8 Tel: 416 485-2392/Fax: 416 485-9665

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